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networking (x22) workshop (x17) publication (x15) fediverse (x13) low←tech magazine (x12) presentation (x12) written work (x12) feature (x8) infrastructure (x7) radio frequencies (x7) r&d (x7) collective learning (x6) digital publishing (x6) software (x6) artistic research (x5) diy (x5) Transmediale (x5) unicode (x5) documentation (x4) f/loss (x4) installation (x4) Pretty Fly For A Wi-Fi (x4) web design (x4) Constant VZW (x3) degrowth (x3) distribusi (x3) exhibition (x3) groningen (x3) interview (x3) lecture (x3) (x3) (x3) mapping (x3) media archeology (x3) Networks Of One's Own (x3) off-line network (x3) relearn (x3) Rotterdam (x3) shadow libraries (x3) sign (x3) sustainability (x3) Varia (x3) AMRO (x2) aprja (x2) ATNOFS (x2) autoindexcms (x2) barcelona (x2) Bibliotecha (x2) blockchain (x2) calibre (x2) DARC (x2) Department Of Search (x2) diversity (x2) drones (x2) Dutch Design Week (x2) emoji (x2) ethics (x2) graphic design (x2) (x2) hosting (x2) internet infrastructure (x2) mesh (x2) MU Eindhoven (x2) networking protocols (x2) packet radio (x2) peer-to-peer (p2p) (x2) publishing (x2) PZI (x2) research (x2) software defined radio (x2) spectrum (x2) speculative design (x2) tour (x2) worksession (x2) Wtt�F (x2) Aarhus University (x1) agriculture (x1) alternative social media (x1) Amsterdam (x1) archive (x1) Boulder (x1) collections (x1) computational alternatives (x1) conference (x1) Critical Infrastructure Lab (x1) CSNI (x1) Dan D (x1) data-base intervention (x1) digital humanities (x1) discussion (x1) Diseno (x1) education (x1) Eemshaven (x1) electronics (x1) energy (x1) etherbox (x1) event (x1) event series (x1) Executions (x1) favicon (x1) federation (x1) fellowship (x1) feminist servers (x1) hardware (x1) HCI (x1) Het Nieuwe Instituut (x1) Hugo (x1) immaterial labour union zine (x1) infrastrucuring (x1) installable base (x1) internet (x1) King's college london (x1) (x1) legacy studies (x1) libre graphics meeting (x1) Lima (x1) LIMITS (x1) maintenance (x1) Malmö (x1) mastodon (x1) Media Archeology Lab (x1) meshenger (x1) metadata (x1) narratives (x1) Neural (x1) obsolesence (x1) on-line federation (x1) (x1) open hardware (x1) OpenWRT (x1) osint (x1) participatory design (x1) photography (x1) postmarketOS (x1) press links (x1) prototype (x1) prototypes (x1) Radical Networks (x1) recipe (x1) repair (x1) routing (x1) RSS (x1) ruangrupa (x1) satellites (x1) Screenwalks (x1) self-hosting (x1) self-organization (x1) sketches (x1) social media (x1) speculative deisgn (x1) steganography (x1) surveillance (x1) talk (x1) talk series (x1) tax evasion (x1) teletype (x1) The Photographer's Gallery (x1) thesis (x1) tools (x1) traceroute (x1) Upominki Gallery (x1) Utrecht (x1) UVA (x1) Villa Maria del Triumfo (x1) Wi-Fi (x1) WORM (x1) x.25 (x1) XMPP (x1) XPUB (x1) (x1) Zagreb (x1)